
Based on the many years of experience with standards in medical image communication, I offer training courses in the field of DICOM and IHE. Actually, I conduct DICOM training courses already for more than 20 years. That way, I could help many people to get started and transferred know-how.

In addition to distinct training courses and workshops for companies, organizations and individuals, I also conduct training courses on various DICOM topics in cooperation with the R&D institute OFFIS on a regular basis:

  • DICOM Compact: general overview on hospital IT and DICOM standard (1 day)
  • DICOM Intensive Course: fundamental introduction to the DICOM standard (2 days)
  • DICOM Toolkit DCMTK: comprehensive overview of the DICOM Toolkit DCMTK (1 day)
  • DICOM Toolkit DCMTK for Developers: more technical details for programmers (2 days)
  • DICOM Troubleshooting: learn how to deal with typical problems in practice (1 day)
  • DICOM Tools and Troubleshooting: same as before but with practical exercises (2 days)
  • DICOM Advanced: in-depth insight into some more advanced DICOM concepts (2 days)

The dates for the offered training courses can be found in the right sidebar and in the News section.

The training courses usually take place in Oldenburg, Germany. However, in the past, I have also conducted training courses in various German cities (e.g. Berlin, Frankfurt, Hanover, Heidelberg, and Munich) as well as in other European countries (e.g. Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Turkey). For some time now, training courses are increasingly held online as web conferences.

If you are interested in my training offering, please contact me.